1. Source: telephone interview with Alexis Moncada, Christian Aid programme manager, Nicaragua. October 2010.
  2. H Coulby, Advocacy and Campaigning Course Toolkit, INTRAC, January 2008.
  3. L Veneklasen and V Miller, A New Kind of Power, People and Politics – The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizen Participation, 2002.
  4. Case study provided by Christian Aid Sierra Leone.
  5. I Chandler, Effective Advocacy Training Course Materials, The Pressure Group, 2006.
  6. Christian Aid, Death and Taxes: The True Toll of Tax Dodging, 2008.
  7. J Marshall, One Size Fits All? IMF Tax Policy in sub- Saharan Africa, Christian Aid Occasional Paper No. 2, April 2009.
  8. Merrill Lynch, World Wealth Report, New York: Merrill Lynch, 2009.
  9. G Gordon, Advocacy Toolkit: Practical Action in Advocacy, Tearfund, 2002.
  10. Adapted from G Gordon, Advocacy Toolkit: Practical Action in Advocacy, Tearfund, 2002; and Performance Assessment Resource Centre, Between Tyranny and Utopia: Participatory Evaluation for Pro-Poor Development, 2005.
  11. G Gordon, Advocacy Toolkit: Practical Action in Advocacy, Tearfund, 2002.
  12. Christian Aid, False Profits: Robbing the Poor to Keep the Rich Tax Free, 2009.
  13. From World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Monitoring Advocacy Work, September 2008.
  14. H Collinson – advocacy training notes, 2007.