1. Based on advice from Politico (www.politico.com) quoted in D Start and I Hovland, Tools for Policy Impact: A Handbook for Researchers, ODI, 2004.
  2. G Gordon, Advocacy Toolkit: Practical Action in Advocacy, Tearfund, 2002.
  3. Adapted from H Collinson – advocacy training notes, 2007.
  4. Taken from G Gordon, Advocacy Toolkit: Practical Action in Advocacy, Tearfund, 2002.
  5. Adapted from H Coulby, INTRAC training.
  6. Taken from H Collinson, Advocacy Training, 2010.
  7. Taken from H Collinson and R MacLeod, Striking Oil: Blessing or Curse? Supporting Civil Society Advocacy to Ensure that the Benefits are Shared, INTRAC Praxis Note No. 52 supported by Publish What You Pay Norway.
  8. This section draws heavily on CARE, Advocacy Tools and Guidelines – Promoting Policy Change, January 2001; and WaterAid, The Advocacy Sourcebook, September 2007.
  9. BBC World Service Trust, Africa Media Development Initiative (AMDI), 2008.
  10. CARE, Advocacy Tools and Guidelines – Promoting Policy Change, January 2001.
  11. Adapted from WaterAid, The Advocacy Sourcebook, 2007.
  12. Information provided by Centro Montalvo in an interview with Sophie Richmond, Christian Aid country manager, Dominican Republic, November 2010.
  13. Adapted from CTVC media training materials; and G Gordon, Advocacy Toolkit: Practical Action in Advocacy, Tearfund, 2002.
  14. Taken from J Ellis, Campaigning for Success – How to Cope if you Reach your Campaign Goal, National Council for Voluntary Organisations (UK), 2007.
  15. Case study adapted from information from the French tax havens campaign. www.stopparadisfiscaux.fr
  16. INESC, Reforma Tributária Desmonta o Financiamiento das Políticas Sociais, Technical Note, Brazil, 2009. Additional information provided by Evilasio Salvador in a telephone interview with Mariana Paoli, Christian Aid Campaigns department, November 2010.
  17. Format based on G Gordon, Advocacy Toolkit: Practical Action in Advocacy, Tearfund, 2002. Content compiled by authors.
  18. www.equator-principles.com
  19. The G3 Guidelines can be downloaded at: www.globalreporting.org
  20. http://oecdwatch.org/
  21. www.publishwhatyoupay.org
  22. www.revenuewatch.org
  23. ActionAid, Calling Time: Why SABMiller Should Stop Dodging Taxes in Africa, 2010.
  24. H Collinson (advocacy trainer), IPPF Advocacy Workshop.